In third degree rashes, skin can actually be flayed off, causing bleeding, swelling, and deep wounds. Keep the wound clean and seek medical attention immediately. Second degree rashes show bleeding, swelling, radiating heat, and exposed muscle, tendons, or nerves. Most minor cases of road burn can be treated at home. This type of injury is identified by small scrapes, redness, bruising, slight bleeding, and tenderness. The three types of road rash are as follows: Although most road rash injuries aren’t fatal by themselves, the severe damage caused can lead to infection, permanent tissue damage, and scarring. Many motorcycle fatalities show signs of road rash along with other fatal injuries. The ground grates the exposed skin of the rider, causing painful scrapes and abrasions. Road rash-also called “road burn”-occurs when the force of being thrown from a bike or falling off a moving causes the rider to be dragged across the ground. One of the most common types of nonfatal motorcycle injuries is road rash.

How could you tell how bad the road rash was if it wasn’t painful? How Bad Is Your Road Rash? Although the wound looked awful, you weren’t in that much pain. You called 911 to report the accident, and when the officer asked if you were seriously hurt, you didn’t know what to tell her. However, when you looked down, you saw that half of the skin on your arm and side was gone, and pieces of gravel, stones, and paint chips were embedded in the bleeding gash that was there. When you managed to stand up, besides being a little sore you didn’t feel as if you were injured. Unfortunately, because you were in the middle of a turn, your bike lost control and toppled over, pulling you with it.īy the time your bike stopped, you had been dragged about 50 feet. Without thinking, you immediately put on your brakes.

You were riding your Harley down Washington and you were about to make the turn onto Effington when all of a sudden a black SUV came out of nowhere and cut you off.